Docker Talk at Python User Group Bonn on 6th January 2015

Last update on Jan. 16, 2015.

Docker Talk at Python User Group Bonn on 6th January 2015

The slides of my talk at Python User Group Bonn are now online. I used reveal.js to make the slides. I tried a number of different solutions for embedding my terminal sessions. and both seem to be excellent options, but I wanted something self-hosted. I experimented with a number of recording solutions and JavaScript-Players, but there were either small problems recording or something was wrong with the playback. In the end, I settled for TermRecord. It generates self-contained HTML-files, utilizing script or ttyrec. Works great, and the player supports replay, jumping in the session and all features I wanted. If you want to check out a TermRecord session you can find one here:

This session is also embedded in the slides. The talk was held in German, I translated the slides to English afterwards: